দয়া করে নেট থেকে কপি করবেন না।৩-৪ পেজ হয় মত লিখবেন।নতুনত্ব থাকলে ভাল হয়।
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Here is a dialogue between a doctor and a patient about illness: Rahim: Good evening, doctor. Doctor: Good evening. Please sit down. Rahim: Thank you. Doctor: Now, tell me about your problem. Rahim: Well, I have been suffering from severe fever for few days. Doctor: Does the temperature always remain the same? Or it varies? Rahim: It remains the same. Doctor: Is there any other problem expect this? Rahim: Yes, I've also caught a really bad cold with fever. Doctor: Do you sneeze and caugh a lot? Rahim: Yes, almost in every 5-10 minutes. Doctor: Okay, I'm prescribing you with some primary medicines and some tests also. Continue these medicines for five days. If it remains the same, do these tests and come to me again with the reports. Rahim: Do you find something serious? Doctor: I think it's just viral fever. Rahim: Thank you doctor. Doctor: It's ok.

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