1: He goes there to buy a fish. 2: They are running a race. 3: We have done the work. 4: Karim wrote a letter to his friend. 5: Zeni was playing cricket. 6: We has written an essay 7: He will eat a mango. 8: We will be doing the work 9:He will have gone to school.
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(1)A fish is going to be bought by him there.  (2)A race is being run by them. (3)The work has been done by us (4)A letter was written by Karim to his friend . (5)Cricket was being played by Zeni. (6)An essay has been written by us. (7)A mango would be eaten by him. (8)The work would be done by us. (9)School would have been gone by him to.

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