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Mahim Ahmed


Fluroxan IV Injection or Infusion contains 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU)

Fluroxan IV Injection or Infusion uses for

5-Fluorouracil is indicated alone or in combination for carcinoma of the colon or rectum, carcinoma of the stomach and exocrine pancreas, carcinoma of the liver, carcinoma of the breast (an especially aggressive form of breast cancer), carcinoma of the bladder, carcinoma of the lung, epithelial ovarian carcinoma andcervical carcinoma.

Various protocols exist-

  • 500 mg/m2 IV on Days 1, OR
  • 45000 mg/m2 IV weekly, OR
  • 20000 mg/m2 IV continuous infusion qD
  • Not to exceed 800 mg/day

The commonest schedules being 500 mg/m2 daily for 5 days repeated at 4-weekly intervals.

Intravenous 5-FU can be delivered by rapid intravenous bolus injection or slow infusion. The vial contents can rapidly be injected directly into a peripheral vein. Slow intravenous infusion requires the drug to be diluted in 500 mL of dextrose 5% solution, then infused over 2 hours on 5 successive days.

There is very little difference between the minimum effective dose and maximum tolerated dose of 5-FU, and the drug exhibits marked individual pharmacokinetic variability. Therefore, an identical dose of 5-FU may result in a therapeutic response with acceptable toxicity in some patients and unacceptable and possibly life-threatening toxicity in others. Both overdosing and underdosing are of concern with 5-FU, although several studies have shown that the majority of colorectal cancer patients treated with 5-FU are underdosed based on today's dosing standard, body surface area (BSA). The limitations of BSA-based dosing prevent oncologists from being able to accurately titer the dosage of 5-FU for the majority of individual patients, which results in sub-optimal treatment efficacy or excessive toxicity.

Numerous studies have found significant relationships between concentrations of 5-FU in blood plasma and both desirable or undesirable effects on patients. Studies have also shown that dosing based on the concentration of 5-FU in plasma can greatly increase desirable outcomes while minimizing negative side effects of 5-FU therapy. One such test that has been shown to successfully monitor 5-FU plasma levels and which "may contribute to improved efficacy and safety of commonly used 5-FU-based chemotherapies" is the My 5-FU test.

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