State the relationship between the modern periodic table and electronic configuration in periods.

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  • The modem periodic table is based on the atomic numbers of the elements. When elements are arranged in an increasing order of atomic number (Z), periodicity is observed in their electronic configurations which reflects in the characteristic structure of the modem periodic table.
  • The location of elements in the modem periodic table is correlated to quantum numbers of the last filled orbital.
  • Along a period, the atomic number increases by one and one electron is added to the outermost shell which forms neutral atom of the next element.
  • The period number is same as the principal quantum number ‘n’ of the valence shell of the elements.
  • A period begins with filling of a particular shell and ends when the valence shell attains complete octet configuration (or duplet, in case of the first period).
  • The next period begins with addition of electron to the next shell of higher energy compared to the previous period. e. g. First shell of the elements gets filled along the first period while second shell starts filling in the second period and addition of electrons continues till second shell (valence shell) attains stable electronic configuration.

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