Describe in detail the location, structure and functions of smooth muscles.

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Smooth muscles are also known as non- striated, visceral or involuntary muscles. 


1. These muscles are present in the form of sheets or layers. 

2. Each muscle cell is spindle shaped or fusiform. 

3. The fibres are unbranched and have a single nucleus that is located centrally.

4. The sarcoplasm contains myofibrils which are made up of the contractile proteins – actin and myosin. 

5. Smooth muscles contain less myosin and more actin. 

6. Striations are absent, hence smooth muscles are also known as non-striated muscles,

7. These muscles are innervated by the autonomous nervous system. 

Location: It is found in walls of visceral organs and blood vessels. Therefore, smooth muscles are also known as visceral muscles.

Function: Smooth muscles are associated with involuntary movements of the body like peristaltic movement of food through the digestive system.

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