With the help of neat and labelled diagram explain the classification of meristematic tissue based on its position.

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Classification of meristematic tissue based on its position:

1. Apical meristem: 

a. It is produced from promeristem and forms growing point of apices of root, shoot and their lateral branches. 

b. It brings about increase in length of plant body and is called as apical initials. 

c. Shoot apical meristem is terminal in position whereas in root it is subterminal i.e. located behind the root cap.

2. Intercalary meristem: 

a. Intercalary meristematic tissue is present in the top or base area of node. 

b. Their activity is mainly seen in monocots. 

c. These are short lived. 

3. Lateral meristem: 

a. It is present along the sides of central axis of organs. 

b. It takes part in increasing girth of stem or root, e.g. Intrafascicular cambium. 

c. It is found in vascular bundles of gymnosperms and dicot angiosperms.

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