Critically evaluate the six main issues in Indian politics during the 21st century.


Discuss the impact of the relationship between the Judiciary and the Executive during emergency period in India.

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(a) Triple Talaq: Rights of women and dignity were upheld in the judgement and an end was put to the exploitation and insecurity of women. 

(b) Article 370: Special status of Jammu and Kashmir revoked, reaffirming that it is an integral part of India. 

(c) Farm Laws Repeal: There were a yearlong protest of farmers largely across Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh and surmounting pressure on the government by Dharna in Delhi. This led to the intervention of Judiciary and formation of an expert committee. Finally, led to repeal . 

(d) CAA-NRC Law: To fast rack citizenship for minorities in neighboring states, however accumulated fears within Indian communities which led to country wide protests. Judiciary had to intervene. Finally, implementation was put on hold by the government. 

(e) Ram Janmabhoomi: This was a centuries long dispute and was reignited in the 1990s.It shaped the discourse of Indian Politics( rise of BJP).The case went to Supreme Court after Allahabad Court's judgement in 2010. An expert committee was formed by the Supreme Court. Finally judgement came in 2019 and the matter was put to rest.

(f) Majoritarian government (single party) in 2014 and 2019, yet followed the pre poll alliance (NDA).


The impact of the conflict between the Judiciary and the Executive was as follows: 

(a) The Indira Gandhi government brought in many changes in Constitution that declared that election of Prime Minister, President and Vice President could not be challenged in court. 

(b) The government made extensive use of Preventive Detention. 

(c) To give preference to Directive Principles of State Policy over Fundamental Rights. Due to this provision, any person could be deprived of even his fundamental rights. Along with this, this amendment completely dwarfed the judiciary. At the same time, immense powers were given to the legislature. 

(d) The government also superseded the practices of the Supreme Court in appointing its Chief Justice. 

(e) The term of the Parliament was also increased from five years to six years. 

(f) Under the provisions of emergency, the various fundamental rights of citizens stood suspended, including the right of citizens to move the court for restoring their fundamental rights. 

(g) Judiciary delivered various controversial judgements; did not perform its role properly. No constitutional rule of law prevailed; this was called as the dark period of democracy; no media freedom and opposition was in jail. Judiciary and Executive acted as one entity, with judiciary not keeping a check on the actions of the executive. By way of 42nd Amendment, detention was removed from judicial review.

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