Recognition of an antigenic protein of a pathogen or exposure to a pathogen occurs during many types of immune responses, including active immunity and induced active immunity. 

Specify the types of responses elicited when human beings get encountered by a pathogen.

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● When our body encounters an antigenic protein or a pathogen for the first time it produces a response which is of low intensity and our body retains memory of the first encounter. 

● The subsequent encounter with the same pathogen elicits a highly intensified response carried out with the help of two special types of lymphocytes present in our blood, B- lymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes. 

 ● The B-lymphocytes produce an army of proteins in response to these pathogens into our blood to fight with them. These proteins are called antibodies. The T-cells themselves do not secrete antibodies but help B-cells produce them.

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