How do normal cells get transformed into cancerous neoplastic cells? Elaborate giving three examples of inducing agent. 


A person is suffering from a high-grade fever. Which symptoms will help to identify if he/she is suffering from Typhoid, Pneumonia or Malaria?

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Transformation of normal cells into cancerous neoplastic cells may be induced by following physical, chemical or biological agents causing DNA damage:

● Ionising radiations like X-rays and gamma rays

● Non-ionizing radiations like UV. 

● Chemical carcinogens present in tobacco smoke 

● Cellular oncogenes (c-onc) or proto-oncogenes, when activated under certain conditions cause cancer. Viruses with oncogenes can transform normal cells to cancerous cells.


If the person has sustained high fever (39° to 40°C), weakness, stomach pain, constipation, headache and loss of appetite, it is Typhoid.

If the person has fever, chills, cough and headache; and the lips and fingernails turn gray to bluish, it is Pneumonia. 

If the person has chills and high fever recurring every three to four days then, it is Malaria.

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