Read the data in the table given below and answer the questions that follow:

Total production of finished steel in India
Year Production (in million tonnes)
2015- 2016 106.60
2016-2017 120.14
2017- 2018 126.85
2018-2019 101.29
2019-2020 102.62

1. Compare the 2015-2016 and 2019-2020 data and give any one reason for the reduction of production of steel in 2019-2020.

2. Why is production and consumption of steel considered as an index of a country’s development?

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1. (i) High costs 

(ii) Limited availability of coking coal 

(iii) Lower productivity of labour 

(iv) Irregular supply of energy 

(v) Any other relevant point

2.(i) The steel products are used as a raw material in different industries. 

(ii) It is required for export. 

(iii) It provides machinery for ensuring country’s growth. 

(iv) Any other relevant point.

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