a) Explain Darwinian theory of evolution with the help of one suitable example. State the two key concepts of the theory.
b) Mention any three characteristics of Neanderthal man that lived in near east and central Asia.

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a) Darwinian theory of Evolution
i) According to Darwin, evolution took place by natural selection.
ii) the number of life forms depends upon their life span and their ability to muliply.
iii) Another aspect of natural selection is the survival of the fittest where nauter selects the antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
The two key concepts of the theory are:
1) Branching descent: According to this concept, various species have come into existene from a common ancestor.
2) Natural selection: According to this concept, nature selects the individuals, which are most to fit to adatp to their environment.
b) Characteristics of Neanderthal man
i) They posses a brain capacity of 1400cc.
ii) They were short but very strong with outward curved thigh bones.
iii) They used hides to protect their body and to bury the dead.

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