Why did the population of London city expand over the 19th century? Explain.

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The population of London multiplied fourfold in the 70 years between 1810 and 1880 increasing from 1 million to 4 million.

(i) London was a powerful magnet for migrant population, even though it did not have large factories.

(ii) The 19th Century London was a city of clerks and shopkeepers of small traders and skilled artisans, semi-skilled and sweated out workers of soldiers and servants of casual workers, street sellers, and beggars.

(iii) There was a dockyard which provided opportunities for livelihood.

(iv) There were five major types of industries employed large numbers; clothing and footwear, wood and furniture, metals and engineering, printing and stationery and precious products.

(v) During First World War, the number of large factories increased and a large number of people joined the newly created jobs.

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