In which disease does mosquito transmitted pathogen cause chronic inflammation of lymphatic vessels?
(1) Elephantiasis

(2) Ascariasis

(3) Ringworm disease

(4) Amoebiasis

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(1) Elephantiasis

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Correct option (1) Elephantiasis


Elephantiasis is a helminthic disease caused by Wuchereria bancrofti. The infestation is transmitted by female Culex mosquitoes from one individual to the others. The worms live in the lymphatic system. 

Ascariasis is caused by Ascaris lumbricoides. It is an endoparasite of the small intestine of human beings. 

Amoebiasis is caused by Entamoeba histolytica. It lives in the large intestine of humans. Ringworm is a fungal skin disease.

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