(a) Define any two of the following terms:
(i) van’t Hoff factor
(ii) Mole fraction
(iii) Ebullioscopic constant
(b) State Raoult’s law.

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(a) Van’t Hoff factor: (i) May be defined as the ratio of normal molecular mass to observed molecular mass or the ratio of observed colligative property to calculated colligative property. 

(ii) Mole fraction may be defined as the ratio of number of moles of one component to the sum of moles all the components present in a solution.

 (iii) Ebuthoscopic constant may be defined as the elevation in boiling point when one mole of a non-volatile solute is added to 1000 grams of solvent.

(b) It states that for a solution of volatile liquids the partial vapour pressure of each component in the solution is directly proportional to its mole faction

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