It is because of inability of ns2 electrons of the valence shell to participate in bonding that :
(1) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pb4+ is reducing
(2) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and reducing
(3) Sn4+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising
(4) Sn2+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising

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(4) Inertness of ns2 electrons of the valence shell to participate in bonding on moving down the group in heavier p-block elements is called inert pair effect.
As a result, Pb(II) is more stable than Pb(IV) Sn(IV) is more stable than Sn(II)  Pb(IV) is easily reduced to Pb(II) and can acts as an oxidising agent whereas Sn(II) is easily oxidised to Sn(IV) and can acts as a reducing agent.

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