(i) Write the functions of the following parts of human male reproductive system: 

(a) Testis; (b) Vas deferens; (c) Urethra; (d) Prostate 

(ii) List any two common pubertal changes that appear in human males.

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(i) (a) Testis: It helps in the formation of sperm, germ cells and also it function in secretion of testosterone. 

(b) Vas deferens: It aids in the delivery of sperms from testis to urethra 

(c) Urethra: It is involved in the ejaculation of sperms. 

(d) Prostate: Its secretions nourishes the sperms. 

(ii) Thick hair growth on the face, voice begins to crack, hair growth in armpits, etc. are common pubertal changes in a human male.

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