Answer the following questions based on the prescribed novel text for external reading in about 200–250 words:

Draw a character sketch of Peter Van Daan.

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Peter was a young vibrant boy. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Van Dann. He was not very assertive like Anne. He always followed the suggestions of his parents most obediently. 

Both Peter and Anne faced the same situations. Peter was older than Anne. Like Anne, he also wanted someone to share his feelings. He was a shy boy. It took him a long time to express his feelings about Anne. Sometimes, he looked as innocent as a child. He was a loving guy. He had complaints but never dared to put before his parents. He was a healthy and a strong guy. When he was open to Anne, he frankly shared many things with her. He was a silent fighter but sometimes he felt depressed. Once he said to Anne that he wanted to join plantations, when he is free. 

Over all, he was a charming and a loving boy who loved all. Unlike his father, he always did his duties with responsibility. It was the strongest side of his character

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