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পরামর্শ দিয়ে টাকা উপার্জন করুন

Elements forming ionic compounds attain noble gas electronic configuration by either gaining or losing electrons from their valence shells. Explain giving reason why carbon cannot attain such a configuration in this manner to form its compounds. Name the type of bonds formed in ionic compounds and in the compounds formed by carbon. Also explain with reason why carbon compounds are generally poor conductors of electricity.

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Carbon has 4 electrons in its outermost shell. It cannot lose 4 electrons to form C4+ cation because very high energy is required to remove 4 electrons leaving behind a carbon cation with 6 protons in its nucleus holding onto just 2 electrons. It also cannot gain 4 electrons to form C4– anion because it is difficult for 6 protons to hold onto 10 electrons. The type of bonds formed in ionic compou nds are ionic or electrovalent bonds and in compounds formed by carbon are covalent bonds. Since the electrons are shared, there are no char ged particles in carbon compounds and hence they are poor conductors of electricity.

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losing 4e- require a lot of energy whioch is not possible under ntp. therefore it goes for covalent bonding.

 yet under special condition it may for c4- or c4+ ion.

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Carbon has 4 electrons in its outermost shell. It cannot lose 4 electrons to form C4+ because very high energy is required to remove 4 electrons.

lt cannot gain 4 electrons to form C4- ions because it is difficult for 6 protons to hold on to 10 electrons.

(i) Ionic/Electrovalent Bonds.

(ii) Covalent bonds.

(iii) There are no charged particles in carbon compounds and hence poor conductors of electricity.

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