List five things you have done over the last one week to:
(i) conserve our natural resources.
(ii) Increase the pressure on our natural resources.

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(i) Five things that I have done over the last one week to conserve our natural resources are:
(a) Saved electricity by switching off unnecessary lights.
(b) Repaired leaky taps for saving water.
(c) Used empty bottles of jams for storing purpose.(d) Used empty plastic bottles of jams for storing purpose.
(e) I have not purchased plastic toys.
(f) I have not used petroleum products.
(ii) Five things which I have done over the last week to increase the pressure on our natural resources:
(a) I did not switch off my room's light last night.
(b) Wasted food.
(c) Wasted water during bathing.
(d) Frequently used heating devices.
(e) Visited my friend's house in a car.

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