Dorji has a few bottles of soft drink in his restaurant. But, unfortunately, these are not labelled. He has to serve the drinks on the demand of customers. One customer wants acidic drink, another wants basic and third one wants neutral drink. How will Dorji decide which drink is to be served to whom?

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Dorji can use litmus test on these drinks. Just drop few drops of drink on litmus paper and take the decision according to the following:
1. If it turns blue, drink is basic.
2. If it turns red, drink is acidic.
3. If it turns green, drink is neutral.

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Since the drikts are edible, Dorji can take the decision by tasting the drinks. Acidic drinks will be sour to taste where as basic drinks will be bitter to taste and neutral drinks will have no taste. He can also use litmus paper to identify the acid, base and neutral drink, by just dropping few drops of drink on litmus paper and can take the decision according to the following :

1. If it turns blur, drink is basic. 

2. If it turns red, drink is acidic. 

3. If it turns any other colour, drink is neutral.

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