What are elements of directing?

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Directing refers to the process of instructing, motivating, guiding and leading the people to achieve certain goals and objectives. Directing involves the following four elements.

i. Supervision: Supervision implies the process of guiding and instructing the subordinates towards achieving the desired goals. In other words, it implies overseeing the work of the subordinates. Supervision ensures that work takes place as per the desired objectives. A good supervision helps in improving the efficiency of the workers. Besides this, it also plays a key role in maintaining harmony and unity among the workers.

ii. Motivation: Motivation implies encouraging and inducing the employees to perform to the best of their capabilities so as to achieve the desired goals of the organisation. Motivation can take various forms such as promotion, appraisal, recognition, etc. By satisfying the needs of the employees, motivation helps in improving their performance. It provides a psychological boost to the workers and drives their willingness to work. Moreover, it also helps in reducing the turnover and absenteeism in the organisation.

iii. Leadership: Leadership implies influencing the behaviour of the employees in such a manner that they willingly work towards achieving the objectives of the organisation. Leadership plays a key role in the success of an organisation. Good leadership brings out the capabilities and talents of the workers and thereby, boosts their confidence. They act as guide to the workers and induces a feeling of initiative in them.

iv. Communication: Communication refers to the process of exchange of ideas, feelings, facts, etc. among people. A smooth functioning of an organisation requires a good communication. It fosters coordination among various departments and individuals in the organisation. Communication forms the basis of management. Without good communication network efficient management becomes difficult.

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