The sum of three consecutive multiples of 8 is 888. Find the multiples.

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Let the three consecutive multiples of 8 be x, x+8 and x+16.
According to question,
x+x+8+x+16=888 [Subtracting 24 from both sides]
=> 3x=864

=> 3x/3=864/3 [Dividing both sides by3]
=> x = 288
Hence, first multiple of 8 = 288, second multiple of 8 = 288 + 8 = 296 and third multiple of 8 = 288 +16 = 304.

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Let the three consecutive multiples of 8 be 8x, 8(x + 1), 8(x + 2). 

Sum of these numbers = 8x + 8(x + 1) + 8(x + 2) = 888 

8(x + x + 1 + x + 2) = 888

8(3x + 3) = 888

On dividing both sides by 8, we obtain

8( 3x + 3)/8 = 888/8

3x + 3 =  108

On transposing 3 to R.H.S, we obtain

3x = 111 − 3

3x = 108

On dividing both sides by 3, we obtain

3x/3 = 108/3

x = 36

First multiple = 8x = 8 × 36 = 288

Second multiple =8(x + 1) = 8 x (36 + 1) = 8 x 37 = 296

Third multiple = 8(x + 2) = 8 × (36 + 2) = 8 × 38 = 304 

Hence, the required numbers are 288, 296, and 304.

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Let the first number is `x`.
Then, the second number = `x+8`
Third number = `x+16`
So, `x+x+8+x+16 = 888`
`=>3x = 864=> x = 864/3 = 288`
So, the numbers are `288,296 and 304`.

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