Solution in brief. 

(a) Why should we conserve biodiversity? 

(b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why? 

(c) Some tribal depend on the jungle. How? 

(d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation? 

(e) What is Red Data Book? 

(f) What do you understand by the term migration?

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(a) We should conserve biodiversity because it is very important for all living organisms and for the environment. We should conserve biodiversity to save it from becoming extinct. 

(b) Protected forests are not completely safe for wild animals because people who live near or adjacent to forests use resources from forests to fulfill their own requirements. In this process, wild animals are killed and sold for lucrative amounts of money. 

(c) Tribal gathers food, fodder, and fallen branches of trees from forests. Hence, they depend on forests for their daily requirements. 

(d)The main cause of deforestation is growing urbanization and industrialization. Need for more land and resources have lead to the cutting down of forests. Consequences of deforestation are as follows: 

(i) Soil erosion 

(ii) Depletion of groundwater 

(iii) Flash flood 

(iv) Global warming 

(e) Red Data Book is a source book that maintains an international list of all endangered animal and plant species. 

(f)Migration refers to the movement of an organism or a group of organisms from its natural habitat to another place at a particular time every year. 

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