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During the storage of grains, various biotic factors such as insects, rodents, mites, fungi, bacteria, etc. and various abiotic factors such as inappropriate moisture, temperature, lack of sunlight, etc. are responsible for losses of grains. These factors act on stored grains and result in degradation, poor germinability, discolouration, etc.

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During the storage of grains, various biotic factors such as insects, rodents, mites, fungi, bacteria, etc. and various abiotic factors such as inappropriate moisture, temperature, lack of sunlight, flood, etc. are responsible for losses of grains. These factors act on stored grains and result in degradation, poor germinability, discolouration, etc.

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Moisture and temperature are the factors which are responsible for losses of grains during storage.

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Factors causing loss of grains during storage:
`rarr` Biotic Factors: Insects, rodents, fungi and bacteria etc.
`rarr` Abiotic Factors: Moisture Content and Temprature etc.

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