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MD Khan


There are also at least two major parties involved in the communication cycle:

  • The sender of the message; and
  • The recipient of the message.

1] The first phase of the communication cycle starts with a sender who conceives a message to communicate.
2] Then he/she encodes the message into a suitable form. This form could be written, oral, visual or a combination of these.
3] Lastly, the sender selects the appropriate channel/method by which the message will be sent to the reader/recipient. The message is then sent.
4] The second phase of the communication cycle starts with the recipient decoding the message that he/she has received. By decoding we mean absorbing the message, for example, if the message was encoded in written form then the recipient decodes the message by reading it; again, if the message was encoded in oral form then the recipient decodes the message by listening to it; again, if the message was encoded in visual form then the recipient decodes the message by seeing it.
5] Then he/she interprets the message or makes out some sense of the message.
6] Lastly the recipient gives feedback to the sender regarding the message.

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