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In machining, boring is the process of enlarging a hole that has already been drilled by means of a single-point cutting tool , such as in boring a gun barrel or an engine cylinder. Boring is used to achieve greater accuracy of the diameter of a hole, and can be used to cut a tapered hole. Boring can be viewed as the internal-diameter counterpart to turning, which cuts external diameters.

There are various types of boring. The boring bar may be supported on both ends , or it may be supported at one end. Lineboring implies the former. Backboring is the process of reaching through an existing hole and then boring on the "back" side of the workpiece.

Because of the limitations on tooling design imposed by the fact that the workpiece mostly surrounds the tool, boring is inherently somewhat more challenging than turning, in terms of decreased toolholding rigidity, increased clearance angle requirements , and difficulty of inspection of the resulting surface. These are the reasons why boring is viewed as an area of machining practice in its own right, separate from turning, with its own tips, tricks, challenges, and body of expertise, despite the fact that they are in some ways identical.

The first boring machine tool was invented by John Wilkinson in 1775.

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