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The Average Service Availability Index is a reliability index commonly used by electric power utilities. ASAI is calculated as

ASAI = ∑ N i × 8760 − ∑ U i N i ∑ N i × 8760 {\displaystyle {\mbox{ASAI}}={\frac {\sum {N_{i}}\times 8760-\sum {U_{i}N_{i}}}{\sum {N_{i}}\times 8760}}}

where N i {\displaystyle N_{i}} is the number of customers and U i {\displaystyle U_{i}} is the annual outage time for location i {\displaystyle i}. ASAI can be represented in relation to SAIDI

ASAI = 1 − SAIDI 8760 {\displaystyle {\mbox{ASAI}}=1-{\frac {\mbox{SAIDI}}{8760}}}

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