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Chìdì or Chìshén , also known as the Nándì or Nányuèdàdì , as a human was Shénnóng , who is also the same as Yándì , a function occupied by different gods and god-kings in mytho-history. Shennong is also one of the Three Patrons, specifically the patron of humanity , and the point of intersection of the Three Patrons and Huangdi.

In response to Wu Xing thought and Tu Shi, the founder of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, is said to be the son of the Red Emperor; in the Han Dynasty God of the Five Directions, the Red Emperor represents the Southern God. Among the Taoist deities, there are also deities that use the title of Red Emperor, such as Hung Shing.

The title has been used to refer to Yan Emperor, Shennong, Emperor Yao and Zhurong.

He is also associated with Chīyóu , the god of some southern peoples, in both iconography and myth, as both Shennong Yandi and Chiyou fought against the Yellow Emperor, although Chiyou is traditionally considered more violent and has the horns of a fighting bull, while Shennong Yandi is more peaceful and has the horns of a plowing buffalo.

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