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Purerua Peninsula is a peninsula on the northwest side of the Bay of Islands in Northland, New Zealand. Te Puna Inlet lies to the south of the peninsula. Communities on the peninsula are Purerua, Te Tii and Taronui Bay. Rangihoua Bay is at the southern end of the peninsula.

Te Tii has two marae, belonging to the Ngāpuhi hapū of Ngāti Rēhia: Hiruhārama Hou Marae and meeting house, and Whitiora Marae and Te Ranga Tira Tanga meeting house.

Another local marae, Wharengaere, is a meeting place of the Ngāpuhi hapū of Ngāti Mau and Ngāti Torehina.

Peninsula on the northwest side of the Bay of Islands in Northland, New Zealand
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