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Historical Advanced Squad Leader are additional modules for the tactical wargame Advanced Squad Leader intended to depict historical events using maps produced from terrain maps, and featuring linked scenarios called Campaign Games. This article only lists official products produced by Multi-Man Publishing and Avalon Hill.

HASLs are not standalone, other ASL products are necessary for play , including counters, dice, the ASL Rulebook and in the case of the Historical Studies, geomorphic mapboards. In addition, some extra equipment is included in most HASL's, such as extra copies of commonly used counters in order to prevent shortages of vehicle or infantry types, as well as module-specific informational markers. Finally, each module/study contains its own rulebook chapter pages , which give rules for module-specific terrain and units, as well as campaign game rules, and a black and white miniature of the historical map which can be photocopied and written on during the course of campaign play.

MMP differentiates products between "Historical Modules" and "Historical Studies". The primary difference is that Studies include some scenarios that use geomorphic mapboards. In most other respects, Modules and Studies are the same. They both contain historical maps, counters, rules, Campaign Games, and historical information. For the purpose of this article, modules and studies are treated equally and referred to as a HASL.

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