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The Kokomopteridae are a family of eurypterids, an extinct group of chelicerate arthropods commonly known as "sea scorpions". The family is one of two families contained in the superfamily Kokomopteroidea , which in turn is one of four superfamilies classified as part of the suborder Stylonurina.

Kokomopterids are defined as kokomopteroids with an undifferentiated opisthosoma with a marginal rim. Appendages II-V are spiniferous as in Lamontopterus and VI is non-spiniferous as in Kokomopterus.

The Kokomopteridae retains primitive Hughmilleria-type prosomal appendages II-IV, unsuited to the sweep-feeding lifestyle used by some of the superfamilies of the Stylonurina , and were as such likely mainly scavengers.

Extinct family of arthropods
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