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A Post Processor is a unique "driver" specific to a CNC machine, robot or mechanism; some machines start at different locations or require extra movement between each operation, the Post-Processor works with the CAM software or off-line programming software to make sure the G-Code output or program is correct for a specific Trademark machine Control Cabinet CAM software uses geometry from a CAD model and converts it to G-code. The CAM software analyzes the CAD model and determines what tooling and toolpaths will be used to mill the desired features. Doing so requires a CAM post processor that generates the exact G-code dialect used by the machine Control Module that is being targeted. An instance of such a translation is often referred to as a "post". There will be a different “post” for each G-code dialect the CAM software supports. Post Processors , rather the “post” uses an intermediate format that captures the G-code commands in a dialect-independent form. Most CAM software accomplishes this with an intermediate format called "CL.Data."

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Post processor is a software subroutine which converts graphical or non-graphical CAM software toolpath outcome into a specific NC Control Deckel-Maho etc]. Post processor is independent of hardware, it is a software adapting toolpath into machine readable language or motions.

The Post-Processor will alter the program output to suit a specific machine; a "Post" can be used for complex things like producing a proprietary machine language other than G-Code or M-Code, or a Post-Processor may be used to start a machine from a specific position.Another example of use for a Post-Processor would be an ATC for a CNC, the Post-Processor is required so the correct Tool is collected from the correct location.

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