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The Radio-Technical Troops are an Arm of the Russian Aerospace Forces, armed with radio-technical equipment and systems of automation means , are designed to conduct radar reconnaissance of the air enemy and to give radar information on the air situation within the radar field to control bodies of the Aerospace Forces and other Services and Arms of the Russian Armed Forces, points of control of aircraft combat means, anti-aircraft missile troops and electronic warfare at their solving the tasks of peacetime and wartime.

The RTT of the Aerospace Forces consist of radio-technical regiments , which are organised as part of an Air Force Association , as well as an air defence division, other units and organisations directly under the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

The Radio-Technical Troops of the Aerospace Forces are the primary source of radar data on air situation. They carry out radar reconnaissance and provide with radar information combat crews of higher command posts and CPs of formations, military units and aviation subdivisions, anti-aircraft missile troops and electronic warfare troops.

In peacetime, all the deployed subunits and command posts of formations and units of the Radio-Technical Troops carry out combat duty on air defence, perform tasks for protection of state borders in the airspace.

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