1. $$\frac{{6!}}{2}$$
  2. 3! × 3!
  3. $$\frac{{4!}}{2}$$
  4. $$\frac{{4! \times 3!}}{{2!}}$$
  5. $$\frac{{5!}}{2}$$

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Answer: Option 4

ABACUS is a 6 letter word with 3 of the letters being vowels. If the 3 vowels have to appear together as stated in the question, then there will 3 consonants and a set of 3 vowels grouped together. One group of 3 vowels and 3 consonants are essentially 4 elements to be rearranged. The number of possible rearrangements is 4! The group of 3 vowels contains two a s and one u The 3 vowels can rearrange amongst themselves in $$\frac{{3!}}{{2!}}$$ ways as the vowel a appears twice. Hence, the total number of rearrangements in which the vowels appear together are: $$\frac{{4! \times 3!}}{{2!}}$$

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