1. 24
  2. 60
  3. 120
  4. 240

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Answer: Option 2

If the two P’s were distinct (they could have different subscripts and colours), the number of possible permutations would have been 5! = 120 For example let us consider one permutation: P1LEAP2 Now if we permute the P’s amongst them we still get the same word PLEAP. The two P’s can be permuted amongst them in 2! ways. We were counting P1LEAP2 and P2LEAP1 as different arrangements only because we were artificially distinguishing between the two P’s Hence the number of different five letter words that can be formed is: = $$\frac{{5!}}{{\left(1!\right) \left(2!\right) \left(1!\right) \left(1!\right)}}$$ = 60

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