Is medication safe during pregnancy for allergies? I have developed some allergies during my pregnancy. I want to get relief from these allergies, but afraid of taking medicines as it could harm my unborn baby?

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 It's a very common and genuine concern for mothers of unborn babies. A lot of women develop allergies in their pregnancy or if they have allergies prior to their pregnancies, it becomes worse. Special attention is required to give to expected mother' s diet in order to prevent allergy. 
Generally, medications are not considered safe during pregnancy as it may cause some harm to the unborn babies. So, pregnant women do not want to take unessential medications to prevent any potential complication occurring due to medication. But, if the allergy is severe or causing problems, medication might be required. Because allergies are progressive and need to be treated in order to prevent them in getting worse. First, you should try to avoid the exposure that may trigger your allergy symptoms. You should consult your doctor and take the required medication, if needed. Be very cautious while taking allergy medication during pregnancy. Alternatively, you can go for natural supplements also.

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বাংলাদেশ উদীচী শিল্পীগোষ্ঠীকে শিল্পকলা ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ অবদানের জন্য একুশে পদক প্রদান করা হয়।

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