My son is only 4 years old and she is allergic to egg. Even if she has chocolates containing egg, she shows the symptoms of allergy. How such a small kid can have allergy? What do I do?

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Egg allergy generally occurs in kids, especially when they are very young. This is the one of the most common food allergy occurring in kids. It can also occur to adults also.

If a person allergic to egg consumes it, the immune system of the body considers the proteins present in egg as harmful invaders. So it reacts by producing specific antibodies to fight those proteins present in egg. These antibodies cause the release of various chemicals, which in turn affects our body' s systems and create different allergic symptoms like headache and nausea.

The best option for the egg-allergic person is to avoid eggs and the products containing eggs. Eggs are present in variety of products like chocolates, baked food and mayonnaise. So, while giving your daughter a ready made food, be sure that it is not containing egg. Generally, egg allergy disappears in kids when they grow, mostly when they are 5 years old.

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