
There are many reasons for failure of penile erection, and it is necessary for a doctor to examine you, and test you carefully, to determine which cause is affecting you. Psychological factors are by far the most common reason. Once a man fails to have an erection (as all do at some time), he is anxious about the next time, which makes failure more likely, and a vicious circle develops. Depression, anxiety, stress and over tiredness are also common problems that can result in impotence. Work problems, arguments, money worries, and a host of other matters may be the initial cause. Alcohol can enhance the desire, but reduce ability. When you are intoxicated, erectile failure is common, and long term alcohol abuse may result in permanent impotence. Diabetes is a common problem in late middle age, and can cause the arteries to become clogged. The only reason a man can get an erection is because he has a good blood supply to the penis, which becomes engorged with blood during an erection. If the arteries are not up to the task, nor is he! Many different medications, including those that may be used to treat high blood pressure, depression, kidney failure, some types of cholesterol excess, and ulcers may have a side effect of impotence. The illegal drugs (eg. marijuana, heroin) are also responsible for the problem. Other less common causes include injury to the spine or pelvis, hardening of the arteries, and various gland problems. Your first step is to find out which problem is responsible for your impotence. Once that has been determined, it may be possible to correct the problem. If no specific problem is found, there are tablets (Viagra) which will assist in giving an erection when you are sexually stimulated, and injections into the penis that can give an erection within half an hour. Both are only available on prescription, and your doctor will need to explain how to use them. 

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