I am female, 18 years old, and have always had trouble using tampons. I' ve had sex only once, and although 1 had no pain, my partner did. I now realize I have an extremely short vagina, as I can feel my cervix only 10 cm away from my vaginal opening. I am very embarrassed and don' t want to get involved with anyone until it is fixed, or am I doomed to live my life alone?

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Do not despair, almost certainly you are normal! It is very common for young women to have difficulty inserting tampons, as they find them uncomfortable, embarrassing, scratchy, dry and ineffective. The last is often because they are not inserted far enough into the vagina. Smaller sizes are available for younger women, and these should be used first. Sex for the first time may also be uncomfortable and unsatisfactory, due to lack of experience, nervousness, lack of natural lubrication (the probable cause of your partner' s pain) and the tearing of any remnant of the hymen. When you first learn to ride a bike, you tend to wobble and fall a few times, but after a short time, you can tide smoothly along a straight line. Sex can be considered in the same way practice makes perfect. The vagina is a very elastic and expandable pouch of tissue. It tends to be the mirror image of the penis. When sexually aroused, the male penis enlarges, and so does the female vagina. feeling the cervix 10 cm from the outside is completely normal. During sex the cervix will be forward and out of the way, so that the vagina can expand naturally to accommodate the penis. It is not appropriate to judge the capacity of the vagina when you are not sexually aroused. You are not doomed to live your life alone, and when you are comfortable with your partner, you will find sex the enjoyable and bonding experience nature intended.


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Sakib Ahmed


যুক্তরাষ্ট্রভিত্তিক ফরেন পলিসি সাময়িকীতে প্রকাশিত দশকের সেরা ১০০ চিন্তাবিদের তালিকায় বাংলাদেশের হয়ে স্থান পেয়েছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা (ডিফেন্স অ্যান্ড সিকিউরিটি ক্যাটাগরিতে)।

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