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 Acne is often called diabetes of the skin - so although the spots you describe aren' t classic acne, following a blood sugar balancing regime may help. Supplementing 200meg of chromium a day is a good start, but you need to back this up with a diet high in fibre, fresh fruit and vegetables, and low in sugars, saturated fat and refined carbohydrates. Also eat regular meals that include protein, which further helps to regulate blood sugar. 
In terms of supplements, zinc, vitamin A and antioxidants are all essential for skin health. Supplementing 20mg of zinc and up to 5,000mcg of vitamin A can help. (Limit your A to 3,000mcg a day if you' re pregnant.) The best topical substance I know of for spots is tea tree oil, which has remarkable antibacterial properties. Use it directly on the spots, not the surrounding skin, as it has a drying effect, or dab it on with a piece of wet cotton wool. Another useful cream is MSM, which contains sulphur and is available in healthfood shops.

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