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Sebum is the oil-like substance that keeps our skin moist and supple. It is produced in glands beneath the skin, and is discharged through small ducts. These glands are present all over the body, but in areas that may become sweaty, dirty or injured it is possible to block the duct leading from the gland. The sebum continues to be produced, and a cyst (known as a sebaceous cyst) slowly fills up under the skin. Sometimes the pressure is sufficient in the cyst for its contents to be discharged through the previously blocked duct. Unfortunately, the cyst usually regrows again. The worst thing that can happen is for these cysts to become infected, and if antibiotics are not given soon enough, an abscess may form. Any cyst that is unsightly or becomes infected should be cut out. This is a simple procedure that can be performed under local anaesthetic by most general practitioners.

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SK Masud


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