I always feel too hot and sweat too much. Other people around me sweat far less and feel the heat far less than I do. Could you please help?

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Sweating is an individual characteristic, and some people normally sweat more than others, but it is first necessary to determine if there is some medical condition that is causing your excessive sweating. Conditions that can do this include an overactive thyroid gland (diagnosed by a blood test), diabetes (excess sugar in the blood), infections such as malaria and tuberculosis, and a number of rarer diseases that can affect the function of the glands in your body. You will need to see a doctor to be investigated for these conditions. If no specific cause can be found, there are antiperspirant sprays and lotions that can relieve the problem, and tablets (Probanthine) that can be taken to reduce sweating. It is important to exclude any serious disease before such tablets are taken.

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SK Masud


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