একটি Complex sentence এ একটি independent clause এবং কমপক্ষে একটি dependent clause থাকে । Such as, Although I was ill, I attended the meeting. পক্ষান্তরে একটি Simple sentence এ একটি মাত্র independent clause এবং কোনো dependent clause থাকে না। Such as, In spite of my illness I attended the meeting. Complex sentence কে simple sentence এরূপান্তরিত করার নিয়ম নিচে বর্ণিত হলো ।   Rule 1: যখন since/as/when সহ complex sentence এর দুটি clause এর subject একই হয় এবং উভয় clause এর main verb থাকে, তবে simple sentence এই formula follow করবে: 1st clause এর Verb+ ing + verb এর বাকি অংশ + comma + 1st clause এর subject + বাকি অংশ । Example: Complex: Since I was ill, I could not attend the meeting. Simple: Being ill, I could not attend the meeting. Complex: As I performed very well, I got the first prize. Simple: Performing very well, I got the first prize. Complex: When the criminal saw the police, he ran away. Simple: Seeing the police, the criminal ran away. Exception: Complex: When the chicken curry arrived, we started having lunch. Simple: On the arrival of the chicken curry, we started having lunch.   Rule 2: যখন complex sentence এর দুটি clause এর subject ভিন্ন হয় এবং am/is/are/was/were/has/have/had থাকে, তবে simple sentence এই নিয়ম follow করবে: since/as/when উঠিয়ে দেবে + am/is/are/was/were এর পরিবর্তে being অথবা has/have/had এর পরিবর্তে having ব্যবহার করবে + ২য় clause । Example: Complex: Since the weather was very bad, we did not start the journey. Simple: The weather being very bad, we did not start the journey. Complex: When the show was over, we came back home. Simple: The show being over, we came back home.   Rule 3: যখন দুটি clause এর subject একই হয় এবং subordinate clause এর be verb (am/is/are/was/were/has/have/had) থাকে, তবে simple sentence এই নিয়ম follow করবে: since/as এর পরিবর্তে because of+ ১ম clause এর subject এর possessive form + (am/is/are/was/were) এর পরিবর্তে being অথবা (has/have/had) এর পরিবর্তে having ব্যবহার করবে + comma+ ২য় clause । Example: Complex: Since he was ill, he could not come. Simple: Because being ill, he could not come. Complex: He was loved by all, as he had honesty. Simple: He was loved by all, because of his having honesty.   Rule  4: যখন complex sentence এ relative pronoun থাকে, তখন simple sentence এই নিয়ম follow করবে: প্রথম থেকে relative pronoun পর্যন্ত লিখতে হবে + relative pronoun উঠে যাবে + be verb উঠে যাবে + the main verb + ing + বাকি অংশ । Example: Complex: The doctor lived in a quarter that belonged to the hospital. Simple: The doctor lived in a quarter belonging to the hospital. Complex: A cow that is very strong can plow this land. Simple: A cow being very strong can plow his land. Complex: The students who study seriously can get good marks. Simple: The students studying seriously can get good marks.   Rule 5: যদি complex sentence এ “when” থাকে যা সময়ের পরিমাপ বোঝায় তবে একে simple করার সময়, when উঠে যাবে+ when এর পরের subject ও verb উঠে যাবে + ছোট সময় at/in + season (যদি উল্লেখ থাকে) + age থাকলে at the age of + বাকি অংশ। Example: Complex: When it was midnight, I was awakened by the sound of construction. Simple: At midnight I was awakened by the sound of construction. Complex: When it is summer, we can eat different kinds of mango. Simple: In summer, we can eat different kinds of mango. Complex: When he was six, he left the country. Simple: At the age of six, he left the country. কিন্তু যদি when সময় না বুঝিয়ে কোন কিছু ঘটছে তা বোঝায় তবে, At the time of + Verb+ ing + বাকি অংশ, এই নিয়ম ব্যবহার হবে । Example: Complex: When it was raining, we were sitting in the coffee shop. Simple: At the time of raining, we were sitting in the coffee shop. যখন subordinate clause এ personal subject ব্যবহৃত হয়, তখন simple sentence, possessive pronoun ব্যবহার করে । Example: Complex: When they were studying, the teacher came. Simple: At the time of their studying, the teacher came. Complex: When I was having tea, she came. Simple: At the time of my having tea, she came.   Rule 6: Negative conditional complex sentence যাতে if থাকে, তা simple করতে এই নিয়ম ব্যবহার করা হয়: Without+ Verb+ ing + ২য় clause । Example: Complex: If you do not struggle in life, you cannot achieve your goal. Simple: Without struggling in life, you cannot achieve your goal. Complex: If you do not study hard, you will not get good marks in the exam. Simple: Without studying hard, you will not get good marks in the exam. যদি clause টি affirmative হয়, without এর পরিবর্তে by ব্যবহৃত হয় । Example: Complex: If you work hard, you will get promotion quickly. Simple: By working hard, you will get promotion quickly.   Rule 7: যদি complex sentence এ “so that” থাকে তবে, simple sentence এই নিয়ম follow করবে: শুরু থেকে so পর্যন্ত লিখতে হবে + “so that “থেকে may/might/can/could পর্যন্ত উঠে যাবে + to + sentence এর বাকি অংশ । Example: Complex: The student studied hard so that he could get good marks on the exam. Simple: The student studied hard to get good marks on the exam. Complex: The singer is trying hard so that she can get the national award. Simple: The singer is trying hard to get the national award.   Rule 8: যদি complex sentence এ “so……that” form থাকে তবে, simple sentence এই নিয়ম follow করবে: so এর জায়গায় too বসবে + that এর আগে পর্যন্ত একই জিনিস বসবে + that থেকে not পর্যন্ত অংশ উঠে যাবে + to + বাকি অংশ। Example: Complex: He is so sick that he cannot come. Simple: He is too weak to come.   Rule 9: যখন complex sentence এ though/although থাকে, একে simple form এ নিতে এই নিয়ম follow করতে হয়: Though/although এর স্থানে In spite of ব্যবহার হবে + subject এর possessive form + am/is/are/was/were এর স্থানে being অথবা has/have/had এর স্থানে having অথবা verb+ ing ব্যবহার হবে + বাকি অংশ + ২য় clause । Example: Complex: Though she was sick, she worked very hard. Simple: In spite of her being sick, she worked very hard. Complex: Although he has a lot of books, he wants to buy more. Simple: In spite of his having a lot of books, he wants to buy more.

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