I want to talk a little motivational  speech which is helpful to your life.Once apon a time ,A doctor lived in a town. He has a one son.One day ,his son found a stone.It was like to glod colour .So , this son said his father that Father, "How many prize of this stone?"The father said his son , Dear my son ,you go to one sells man and asks him ,"How many prize of this stone."So, the son go to one sells man and  asked.Then, the sells man said ,this is 200tk.Then, Father  said his son ,go to one teacher and asks him ," How many prize of this stone ?"Teacher tells this son ,This is 500tk.Then,His said his son , go to others person and ask's them how much prize.All time  the son observed  one think that,  he is going to person and ask's them ,"How much money of this stone ?" Such as:Sellsman,Teacher,doctor,scientist,etc.when the quatity of person is increasing then the stone prizes are increasing .like this sells man said 200tk,teacher said 500tk.So, His Father said this time ,Did you understand , "what was the learning thinks of this story?".                           

  • Learning thinks : people wants to many thinks.when,you are reached a big place ,big position,high place. When , you will valuable for every person.likes this stone, when this stone went to a teacher .He said , this is 500 tk.So, Everything depand  on you.when,you will have reached a high place and this place will have well person.Then , you will got respect, well behaviour ,other well thinks from those well person.

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