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অগ্রিম ধন্যবাদ~

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Book is the best freind in our life. From childhood reading book is my best habit. Whenever I get time, I read book. I have read many books in my life. But the book which has been attracted me much that is"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniyel Defoe. Daniyel Defoe has been my favourite author after reading the book. Daniyel Defoe has presented Robinson Crusoe's life very attractively in front of us. In the book, Daniyel Defoe has told how Robinson was survived in an island 35 years. From childhood Robinson's aim was he will be a sailor but his father wanted to make his son a lawyer. For that Robinson field away from his house. Than Robinson started his sailor life. But one day on the way of Gini, he fall in a strom and lost his way and reached in an unknown island.He faced many incidents and also rescued two closed aborigine. Oneday also some pirates also attacked a shio and Robinson saved the shioband all other sailor whonwas coming from Robinson's motherland and atleast after 35 years Robinson came back in his motherland. This book was attracted me much and will remember this book and it's story forever. It is the most favourite book I have read ever.

কোন সমস্যা থাকলে অবশই জানাবেন।

কোন শব্দার্থ জানার থাকলে জানাতে পারেন।             

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