উক্ত প্যারাগ্রাফ টি লিখে দিন।বড় করে লিখে দিবেন।।।

বিঃদ্রঃ কোনো গাইড বা ইন্টারনেট থেকে কপি করবেন।প্লিজ।আর বড় করে লিখে দিবেন     

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Importance of learning English. 

Today the importance of learning English can not be described in words. Now English is the most important language in the world. It dominates over all the languages of the globe. There is hardly any country in the world where English is not used, spoken and taught. About 350 million people speak English as a first language and another 300 people use it as their second language. It is official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries in the world. English is the official language in many international organizations and offices. All books on science, technology, BBA and medical science are written in English. About 80% of all the information of the computer is in English. E-mail, Fax and internet also run through English. The business world is also conducted by this language. So English is the most effective means of communication  among the different nations in the world. It assists to strengthen and quicken international relations and co-operation.

We should learn English well to enrich and promote our mother language. All these reasons, English is now called global language. So by learning and using English well, we can alter the wheels of lot. Therefore we must learn and use English to face the battle of real life successfully.

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