1. Indira Sagar Dam
  2. Gandhi Sagar Dam
  3. Jawahar Sagar Dam
  4. Rana Pratap Sagar Dam

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Option 1 : Indira Sagar Dam

The correct answer is Indira Sagar Dam.

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  • The Indira Sagar Dam is a multipurpose project of Madhya Pradesh on the Narmada River.
  • In terms of storage of water, it withholds the largest reservoir in India, with a capacity of 12.22 billion cubic meters, followed by Nagarjuna Sagar between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
  • The dam was built as a joint venture between Madhya Pradesh irrigation and National Hydroelectric Power Corporation. It was commissioned in May 2005.

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Dam State
Gandhi Sagar Dam Madhya Pradesh
Jawahar Sagar Dam Rajasthan 
Rana Pratap Sagar Dam Rajasthan 

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  • About Indira Gandhi Canal:
    • The Indira Gandhi Canal is the longest in India.
    • It starts from the Harike Barrage at Harike, a few kilometers below the confluence of the Satluj and Beas rivers in the Indian state of Punjab.
    • It terminates in irrigation facilities in the Thar Desert in the northwest of Rajasthan state. 
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