1. Sachin Tendulkar
  2. Dhyan Chand
  3. Kapil Dev
  4. Milkha Singh

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Option 1 : Sachin Tendulkar

The correct answer is Sachin Tendulkar.

  • Sachin Tendulkar is the first sportsperson to receive Bharat Ratna.

  • Sachin Tendulkar is the first sportsperson who has won the Bharat Ratna award.
  • Sachin Tendulkar is also the youngest person to get the Bharat Ratna award.
  • Sachin Tendulkar is a former Indian Cricket player known as “The God of cricket”.  
  • He was awarded Bharat Ratna in 2014 along with C. N. R. Rao.

  • Bharat Ratna:
    • The Bharat Ratna (Jewel of India) is the highest civilian award in India.
    • It was instituted on 2 January 1954, the award is conferred in recognition of exceptional service/performance of the highest order, without distinction of race, occupation, position, or sex.
    • In 1954, The first recipients of the Bharat Ratna were:
      • The last Governor-General of the Dominion of India – C. Rajagopalachari,
      • President and the First Vice President of India – Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, and
      • Nobel Prize Laureate, Physicist - C. V. Raman.
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