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I' m not sure that one is more or less allergenic than the other. I advise someone with a potential dairy allergy/intolerance to avoid all dairy for 10 days and see if there is any difference and then, when they start eating or drinking it again, to note any changes.

I wouldn't say, 'switch to skimmed and see if that helps' . But if you were keen to try it, you could reintroduce skimmed milk first (and no other dairy food) and see what happened, then three days later reintroduce whole.

There is a theoretical reason why full fat may be more allergenic, or at least appear so. It is not typi-cally the fat that people are allergic to, but the lactose (sugar) and/or the proteins (casein). But fats are integral to inflammatory responses such as allergic reactions, and the kind of fat in dairy, saturated fat, is pro-inflammatory.

If you have too many pro-inflammatory fats, and not enough anti-inflammatory fats (omega-3, found in seeds, oily fish and oils), you will tend to react more to potential allergens. So in theory, the less saturated fat in milk, the less pro-inflammatory it is, though upping your anti- inflammatories is just as, or more, important.

That means getting enough essential fats from oily fish, seeds and their cold-pressed oils, and also taking antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, B complex (especially B6) and zinc. A good basic diet is essential, so drink plenty of water, and curb your sugar intake, too.

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