Almost every time I have sexual intercourse I suffer a strong burning feeling around my vagina and urethra. Doctors' tests show no germs present, and their treatments do not help. Every day there is a discharge on my panties. I hope you can help me.

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There are a number of possibilities that could explain your problem, including inflammation caused by inadequate lubrication during sex, or the rare condition of an allergy reaction to sperm or the rubber in a condom, but the explanation that readily comes to mind is that you have a chlamydial infection. Infections of this type are very difficult to detect with normal methods, and even a perfect technique by the doctor and laboratory may fail to prove the diagnosis; but the correct treatment subsequently clears the symptoms. Discuss the possibility of this being the cause with your GP. S/he may order the specific tests to prove the diagnosis, but often it is easier to treat than to confirm. It is essential that both you and your partner be treated at the same time with a course of antibiotics that will destroy a chlamydial infection. If the problem persists after this, you should ask for a referral to a gynecologist so that some of the rarer causes of your problem may be excluded.

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